February 21, 2010

A Real Blast From My Bloggin' Past

Dated: November 24, 2004

Princess Kina-Bina and the Evil CEOgre, Part 1

Once upon a time, in a magical place called EDS, there was a Princess known as Kina-Bina. This princess was under a spell. She had to do whatever the CEOgre told her to do or she wouldn't get her paycheck to pay for her Noble Stead, Charlie, a silver Chevy Silverado.

So one day, the evil, ruthless CEOgre told her to weave a golden website. All. By. Herself. The evil CEOgre had taken away all her helpful servants.

"Out of what shall I weave it?" The princess asked.

"HTML codes," he answered, gruffly. And he left her with one week to finish this terrible and hopeless task.


Princess Kina-Bina and the Evil CEOgre, Part 2 (as told by the princess herself)

Princess Kina toiled and struggled, dreaming fitful dreams of failed HTML code validation and overlapping div elements. But she kept coding and drawing and repositioning and recoding, and finally, after one week, the new web site was done. It sparkled in the sunlight, bringing joy and relief to her click-weary wrist that was numb from many days worked late into the night.

At last, her noble steed, Charlie the Chevy Silverado, would be safe. "They will never take away my baby", she promised as she petted his dashboard. Then she got in and went for a spin. Charlie neighed and revved his engine, spinning out in the parking lot, taking her away to The Movies where only good things happen to good people... most of the time.

Soon it was time to present her handiwork to the Evil CEOgre. With her best friends at her side, she marched up to the Evil CEOgre's office and showed him all that she had accomplished. The Evil CEOgre looked and clicked and said hmmm many times. And then he turned to her and said, "I like it." The princess smiled.

"I wove it with the lightest cloth that I could find", said the Princess.

"It is very impressive. I will use it everyday", said the CEOgre, who magically transformed before her eyes and was not so Evil anymore.

The next week, it captured everyone's praise and company login ID as it zipped along on their computer screen. People who had never spoken to Princess Kina before soon were offering to help and wanting to know when they, too, could have a web woven by the Mistress of Web.

Princess Kina could only smile and say, "You'll have to wait for Phase 2."

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